
Roselyn presented her work at the poster session of 2018 Glenn T. Seaborg Symposium



The initial stage of lab setupA, Schematic of the initial reaction in the Liu lab. Optical images of the initial idle state (Lab0,idle, B), the transition state (LabC), and the first intermediate (Lab1D). (Unpublished results)

Images for the research before joining UCLA.

PNAS_Augmented_N_Cycle_Figure 1

Schematic of the electro-augmented nitrogen cycle enabled by a hybrid inorganic-biological system (PNAS, 2017)



Eight “Bionic leaf” reactors in parallel for high-efficiency CO2 fixation (Science, 2016)



Nano/bio hybrid structure for solar-powered CO2 reduction into acetate with low driving force and high efficiency (Nano Lett., 2015)


Single NW PEC.001

Photoelectrochemical proton reduction tested on single silicon nanowire (Nature Nanotech., 2016)



Asymmetric Si/TiO2 nanowire heterostructure for unassisted solar-driven water splitting (Nano Lett., 2013)

And non-science (nonsense)
Group retreat pic1-1

The 2023 group retreat w/o the PI in the pacific. Some of our collaborating friends in UCLA computer science are also shown here. (credit: Jingwen Sun)


Optical images about the morphological changes of Felis catus (cat), owned by Chong. A, four-month old, B to D, two-year old.



The campsite when everyone was gone. Agnew Meadows, Mammoth Lake, CA (Sep. 5th~8th, 2019)


The group and their friends at Las Vegas (Mar. 1st ~ 3rd, 2019).



Some artwork in the lab. (Dec. 16th, 2018)



Part of the group at the Alta peak (11,208′) in Sequoia national park, after a 14-mile hike. Camping with Alex and Paula‘s groups. (Aug. 16th~19th, 2018)



Part of the group had tons of fun at Catalina Island when Chong was out of town (alternative from Xun). (July 24~27, 2018)

Group picture

1682187702878Group dinner at the Broxton, April 2023.


Group dinner at the Barney’s, June 2022. The first since the pandemic!



Group dinner at Maple Block Meat Co. (Dec. 11th, 2019)


Group dinner (Dec. 17th, 2018)



The first group picture. Group members convene for photos during a day-long lab cleanup. The lab is in a much better shape now! (May. 10th, 2018)